Baltimore, Maryland – Fort McHenry Tunnel Rehabilitation
Tunnels & Culverts
Owner: Maryland Transportation Authority Removal and replacement of deteriorated concrete in the fresh air duct which runs under the I-95 roadway in the tunnel. Both overhead and vertical work; completed at nighttime only. Weather is a major factor is getting [...]

Melbourne, Florida – SR 404 Bridge Low-Water Pile Cap Repairs
Bridges & Piers, Tunnels & Culverts
This bridge had severe spalling at the waterline. Two contractors had previously attempted to effect the repairs using form and pump methods which were singularly ineffective. CGCC offered the FLDOT a 3 year “no crack” guarantee as enticement to attempt [...]

Rockville, Maryland – Congresional Towers Storm Sewer Repair & Re-Lining
Tunnels & Culverts
This 40 year old storm sewer runs underneath a major apartment building and adjacent parking lot in downtown Rockville, MD. The storm sewer was corroding and starting to buckle in several locations. This project was bid with 2 options, the [...]

Knoxville, Tennessee – Westview Tower Underside Roof Slab Repairs
Others Structures
The Westview Tower is a 13 story retirement/elderly apartment complex in Knoxville, TN. There were severe structural problems discovered in the ceiling of the 13th floor. The roof slab had corroded reinforcing steel and it extended throughout the entire 10,000 [...]

Outer Banks, North Carolina – Herbert C. Bonner Bridge Rehabilitation
Bridges & Piers
In 1986, CGCC performed extensive repairs to the Bonner Bridge and satisfied the NC Department of Transportation’s requirement for an additional 5 years of life for the bridge. Twenty years later, CGCC was back again to do 7 times the [...]

Baltimore, Maryland – Hilton Convention Center Foundation Walls
Basement Walls & Dams
CGCC installed 18”- 36” thick 4000 psi shotcrete over 2 cages of reinforcing steel to create the exterior and interior finished walls for the underground parking garage of the Hilton Baltimore Convention Center Hotel. The walls are 2 stories high [...]

Jacksonville, Florida – St Johns River Power Park Cooling Towers
Towers & Silos
140,000 square feet of dry-mix shotcrete was placed on cooling Tower I & Tower II at the St. Johns River Power Park. The surface to be shot was first prepped by hydroblasting. Next, reinforcing steel was re-installed and replaced on [...]

St Louis, Missouri – Old Mill Creek Sewer Rehabilitation
Aqueducts & Sewers
This 20’ X 15’ century-old sewer was lined with 5000 psi, silica-fume modified, fiber and steel reinforced shotcrete and concrete. The structure was originally built of fitted limestone with a brick invert. Due to the confined spaces and large volume [...]